Why Disable IPv6? There is no single reason why you should disable IPv6 in your Ubuntu server, nor it must. It depends on your requirement. It has been reported for a while that IPv6 in Ubuntu cause DNS related problems. For example, the apt package manager occasionally tries to initiate the connection over IPv6 …

May 20, 2019 Why and how to disable IPv6 – 4sysops IPv6 is on the rise; there is no doubt about it. Emerging countries, such as China, are pushing IPv6 because they don't have enough IPv4 addresses. With DirectAccess, Microsoft has, for the first time, introduced an important feature that requires IPv6. In fact, the number of IPv6 packets in our networks is increasing every day. I think this is a […] DNS issues on the network while IPv6 enabled on clients Jul 26, 2019 Howfunky.com: Why you should NOT disable IPv6 for Windows I was reviewing some Microsoft materials related to IPv6 for some presentations I am putting together and ran across some great material by Joseph Davies again that goes over some very specific reasons why it is bad to disable IPv6 on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 which of course also applies to Windows 7 and Server 2008R2. In summary, you have the potential to break features in Remote

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) provides a new Internet layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite that replaces Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and provides many benefits. If you are NOT using IPv6 disable it: The article then gives links to different websites which tell how to disable IPv6. Neither the article nor any of the links, however

What is IPv6, and how do I disable it? Jan 18, 2018

How To Properly Disable IPv6 - Tweaks.com

May 27, 2010 How to disable IPv6 on iOS (cellular only) and macOS and Jul 18, 2020